Monday, June 30, 2008

Protect The SHARKS and save our Echo System balance and Economy

The sharks are the apex predators of the sea. Since the early 1970's the Shark fisheries industry spawned in the Maldives. Finned for soup and priced so high, the shark fishery industries has grown and exploited most of the species of sharks found in the Maldives. Studies now prove that with the rapid decline in sharks in the Maldives it is affecting the Tuna populations as well. Now lesser Tuna are found through out the fishing zones. Though there is a moratorium on shark fisheries it only protects them from being fished in tourists areas. As they are highly migratory species this moratorium is not the best protection. Tourists pay thousands of dollars per day in each resort to watch sharks. Now the reality is the world renown dive sites in the Maldives are empty,vacant and not that interesting. Sharks are hard to find and this in turn is affecting the balance of our marine ecosystems.THE KILLING NEEDS TO STOP NOW!!!